News Release

Supplementary Information To The Annual Report For The Financial Year Ended 31 December 2001

The Company wishes to include the additional information on the following pages of the Annual Report for Financial Year Ended 31 December 2001, released on 15 May 2002.

A. Corporate Information on Page 3

    Name of Audit Partner - Ms Lim Siew Koon

B. Statistics of Shareholdings 19 April 2002 on Page 49

    Substantial Shareholder

    No. Name No.of Shares %

    1. China Aviation Oil Supply Corporation 432,000,000 75.00

    C. Public Float - Clause 926 of the Listing Manual

      1. We confirm that the Company has complied with Clause 926 of the Listing Manual.

2. The Company's issued shared capital is held as follows as defined in the Listing Manual:

        a. Public - 25%

      b. Non-Public (ie substantial shareholders) - 75%
      (None of our Directors and their associates, and associates of our directors and

          substantial shareholders held any shares in our company to date)

By Order of the Board

Adrian Chang